Miralls i Vidres Solar, SA
Nowadays it seems that time goes by very quickly – you just go around the corner and one, two, three, four decades have gone by – and all of a sudden you celebrate 50 years. You stop to think and look back and start to imagine how they must have unloaded glass boards back then. No, they would not have got anything else done that day, what with everyone helping unload the lorry. Mirrors plated by hand – grooves, beveled edges, it was all manual jobs – and no health and safety. Times have changed, we the new generations are managing the company now, we have evolved in the way we work, machinery has made things much easier. But to us you have always been a point of reference, a model to follow. We at Miralls i Vidres Solar will always be grateful for the technical and material support you have been giving us when we started and ever since. Congratulations, Cristalleries Girona, on the 50 years of trust which your customers, suppliers and collaborators have been able to put in you. The Management of Miralls i Vidres Solar, SA. 2008.